Tonight Amjad Ali Khan brought Taiwanese the first sarod concerto, Samagam, in the history. The concerto's name is of Sanskrit origin, and its meaning is “confluence”. In fact, the music construction is weak, and the orchestra has no enough music in its soul. The sense of balance therefore is bad. However, the perfect duet of sarod and tabla is as brilliant as ecstatic and likes a journey to various spaces.
Amjad Ali Khan是倍受尊崇的薩羅德琴演奏家暨作曲家,他的「Samagam」為音樂史上第一首給這種音色蹦跳的傳統印度樂器的協奏曲。Samagam是梵文,意思為河流匯流點,或人或物的集合。說實話,這首曲子結構相當鬆散,樂團並沒有被賦予完整的靈魂,因此造成強烈的不平衡感,非常可惜。然而薩羅德琴大師的大跳旋律迷幻,塔布拉鼓的音色色彩紛呈,配合得天衣無縫、精采絕倫,恍如急速悠遊在不同的時光中。
- May 11 Mon 2009 14:18
TCO on 2009/05/09: Sarod Meets Chinese Orchestra—絃語繽紛3-1