目前分類:Travel--旅行 (7)

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2010一月,到阿拉伯聯合大公國的杜拜參加intersec。若來到這中東世界的跳板,請你一定要搭乘Abra(水上公車;單趟1阿鋃);它可是當地傳統的木造船喔!航行於Dubai Creek、為Bur Dubai與Deira兩區提供廉價的運輸服務。兩岸的風景可真是迷人萬千(也有比較貴一點的Waterbus啦;不過A-Mao沒坐過);Deira區的Spice Souk和Gold Souk也是不錯逛的景點(Souk為市集之意)。(謎の声:Spice和Gold為何不翻?)(謎之聲:啊你是阿本仔喔?)(Voice of Mystery:Absolutely……)

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這次在樟宜機場的吸煙室,碰到沒有飛台灣的新加坡勝安航空(Silk Air)。樟宜機場很大、吸煙室很少;在倉促的轉機過程中找到有地方可以補充尼古丁時,A-Mao不禁覺得真的很開心。拜託!因為之後可是要花13個小時,才能飛到伊斯坦堡。吸煙室,真是癮君子在長程飛行時的幸福空間lah

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In 2005, A-Mao's superior, Annie, taught way to be a salesman and, during ISC West, how to play craps. Recently, I am not fearful anymore of playing blackjack in front of dealers. Both win & loss is part of travel abroad! If I won, the dealer was tipped some and a few small-value chips were kept as souvenir. The Blue Man's venue in Las Vegas is at the Venetian. After purchasing a ticket, I spent time by a craps table. Now these three chips are my victory badges. Especially for the $1 Blue Man chip, it suggests memory of their nice show.

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A folk song was being sung: One who drinks from Lilau never forgets Macau. If he doesn't get married here, he will leave far and return again. The Portuguese meaning of Lilau is mountain spring, whereas it sounds like grandmother's well in Chinese. The Lilau Square is one of foremost Portuguese settlements in Macau. Due to its old architectures, it was listed as a world culture heritage site in 2005.

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In June, 2007, A-Mao was enjoying the Dragon Boat Festival in Macau. Before climbing the Guia Hill for Guia Fortress, the World Heritage Site, I came across the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial House, which is not introduced by my guidebook. Well, he is the Father of Taiwan (ROC) as well as Chain (PRC), and there is free of charge. I had no reason not to visit it.

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In April, 2006, due to ISC West in Las Vegas, Nevada, it is my second time visiting the America, in which everything seems to be bigger than that in Taiwan. After simple decoration as well as setting up camera, CRT monitor, our MPEG-2 DVR & complicated cabling, followed by product test & video adjustment for the best demonstration in a morning, honcho A, engineer C, salesgirl K & I went to the Hoover Dam in the same state that afternoon.

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