目前分類:Thailand--泰國 (2)

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說到暹羅美食,A-Mao最愛的是泰式酸辣蝦湯(Tom Yum Goong;冬蔭功)。又香又酸又辣的,在炎熱的天氣,真的是讓人胃口大開。一日在東南亞雜貨店尋寶,竟發現跨國食品公司康寶(Knorr)在泰國有生產泰式酸辣湯塊;一盒不過10鋃,想當然、當然買了!作法為煮沸一公升的水後,丟入盒內的兩個湯塊,再依個人喜好放入海鮮、肉類、菇類與蔬菜。便宜又方便的人間美味,也是清空冰箱的好法寶喔。【冬炎汤块】

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During Ultracker's 2008 company travel in Thailand, A-Mao started sampling fish sauce on most tables we sat at. In the beginning, its slightly stinking smell somewhat scared me. After a few ice-breaking tests, I noticed that its aroma & taste is so lovely! At a supermarket in Pattaya, this Megachef Premium Fish Sauce is the most expensive one but costs just 17 Baht for a 200cc glass bottle. And I took three! In my home, I like to scald some water spinach, chop a little chili and mix them with the fish sauce only. Um......I seemed to be in the Thai sunlight again.

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